Tips straight from our Building Biologist

How to Remove Mildew Stains
What is Mildew? Mildew is a type of fungi or mold that can invade your home by growing on your floors, walls and the

Natural is Best but Does this Mean it’s Safe?
What does the term natural really mean? If you think a food is “all natural” just because the label says it is, think again. The

It’s Hypoallergenic!
The US Food and Drug Administration (2023) defines hypoallergenic cosmetics as goods whose producers maintain that they cause fewer allergic reactions than other cosmetics. Is

The Advantages of Allergy Testing at Home
For allergy sufferers, skin prick tests may be as unappealing as allergy symptoms – uncomfortable, irritating and even painful. A home allergy test, however, is

Here’s a Quick Way to Avoid Dust Mites
Some interesting facts and some tips about the control and numbers of the dust mite… Researchers from Insect and Research Development, United Kingdom, discovered that

The Link Between Food Additives and Hyperactivity
Are Food Additives a cause of Hyperactivity? In 2007, the well respected journal Lancet published a study funded by United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency which