Your Building Biologist

Meet your Building Biologist

My name is Carol Parr and work with proactive families sift through health hazards like mould, allergens, VOCs, chemicals and EMFs to get clarity about what’s toxic, what’s not and create truly healthy homes, through feet on the ground consulting and online Mitey Fresh Living.

Using available, sustainable and effective practices improve the built environment, pleasing to the senses and supports healthy living and nature.

Integrating health, natural living and being, I draw on more than two and half decades of experience consulting, educating sufferers with asthma and allergies, chemical sensitivities and paralysis ticks; co-founder to Mitey Fresh Australia¹ and Mitey Shield²; nursing sister, wife and mum of 3.

The official line: I’m a certified Building Biologist, Healthy Home Consultant, Mould Testing Technician and Citizen Teacher. The indoor environment needed a translator so I completed the nationally accredited Building Biology Course  specialising in Air Pollution and Air and Mould Sampling; Electricity Fundamentals and Electrobiology; Building Design and Materials; Drinking Water and Geobiology; Conduct Mould Assessments by 2017 with Australian College of Environmental Studies³; Water Damage Technician with Jena Dyco⁴.
Co-entrepreneur, researcher and developer to the first Ultrasonic Tick Repeller in Australia ~ Mitey Tick Off for Pets in 2004.
Co-founder, R&D to first in the world ~ Ultrasonic Tick Repeller for Humans ~ the Mitey Tick off For You in a little later in 2004. Yes that is us, first in the world!

Co-founder and developer to the first Washable Pillow in the world, the AllerProtect Pillow in 2006.
We share our journey to Design 60sq metre Healthy Home from the ground up in 2018 using Building Biology, Passive House and sustainable building material principles encompassing Building Biology Principles (Bau-biologie in Germany) and certified Passive House (Passivhaus in Germany).

Member of ASBB⁵, IAQA⁶, Passive House Australia9 and observe EPA, The LEAD Group, Tick Borne, and Building Science Associations here in Australia and Interntional.

The bottom line: I am happy to be me. I believe that you have to be in feet and all, take care and nurture your environment to get to health and happiness … therefore be it. May not be perfect, I am honest, loving and true … I am, simply me. I will step ever so softly on this earth every day … humans live beside nature. I do not believe in complex solutions or generating fear … therefore seek the truth and connect. And, I absolutely believe we’ve borrowed this earth, to pass on in a better condition.

You know what, let me just show you …

We work with proactive women and families sift through health hazards like mould, allergens, VOCs, chemicals and EMFs to get clarity about what’s toxic, what’s not and create truly healthy homes through feet on the ground consulting and online Mitey Fresh Living.

“Carol is admired for her ability to bridge the gap between the layperson, the  integrative health community and the building community”.

… as a result of working with me, women and their families thrive, work-places and their personnel prosper, mouldy + chemical + electrical sensitive occupants heal. They’re healthier, they’re alert, they’re happier, more relaxed, more productive, and enjoying life.

Consulting with families and small businesses to search out what is really needed in your environment to survive, and educating about strategies to revive …. I feel are like the roots, I too am grounded as part of a family and small business.

I feel that by standing beside you to look and intuitively understand your space, your environment, educates you to strive, because I too suffer these affects.

… and by striving to a safe, healthy home, empowers you to thrive, … because I, like you, breathe.

In conjunction with integrative doctors, architects and builders, I acknowledge a holistic approach towards healthy, happy homes, lifting heads to look, listen and learn.

From building design and non toxic materials, integrated into dry, clean, ventilated, contaminant free homes to well maintained, pest free, comfortable and safe spaces … is all about the passive foot hold and reach to be lifted up.

Together we bring about balanced, healthy indoor environments and create rooms that provide calmness, healthy sleep, relaxation and restored energy for you and your family, create workplaces that provide ideal personnel attendance and optimum productivity.

By returning indoor spaces to more natural conditions, we strengthen you and your family and your personnel’s mind, body and spirit. It’s nice that it also sustains our planet’s ecology, you’d agree.

Towards healthier living, Carol Parr 😊

PS: I welcome you to check out my latest enterprises here: and here:

¹ Mitey Fresh Australia (Est. June 1996) amongst business achievements designed and launched adjustable washable AllerProtect Pillow (Nov 2006) and introduced Inova Air Purifiers (May 2009).
² Mitey Shield (2003-) continues today as one of Australia’s leading wholesalers of ethical, safe and ecologically sound consumer pest control products, protecting furry customers and their family’s health, and supporting the environment.
³ The Australian College of Environmental Studies (Est.1999) (RTO.2174) (2012-17)
⁴ Jena Dyco now TESA Directive to understand specialised cleaning and restoration.
Australian Society of Building Biologists 
Indoor Air Quality Assoication Australia
7 AllerProtect Pillow (Nov 2006)
8 Mitey Tick Off For You (2004 -) Mitey Tick Off For Pets (2004 -)
9 Australian Passive House Association as helper (2020-)
10 Healthy Home Development (2018-) 

We provide assessment, biology, education ~

  • Dust Mite and Allergen sufferers – Fight contaminants, Right health! since 1996
  • Mould and CIRS affected – Keep dry, Keep ventilated, Keep fresh!
  • Tick and Lyme Symptom affected – Founder Mitey Tick Off for You and Mitey Tick Off for Pets since ’04 
  • VOCs, Formaldehyde and MCS affected – Keep it real, Keep it natural, Keep truth in your life! Since year dot.
  • EMF and Hypersensitive affected – Observed, suffer, walk away, recover … slowly since 2014 
  • Families, Residential, Commercial – love being, walking in nature, city, old places, farm land, lean into people’s stories over a cup of tea, mum and wife, towards healthier living!
  • Design and choose a safe healthy, happy home and space ~ Design right, Build and Live Right from the Earth up! 2018 
  • Building Science Citizen, Indoor Air Quality Student, Passive House Connector

Check out our latest enterprises on the socials here:

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