Learn more about dust mites

How The Pillow Was Made
A few years back, around 2001, I noticed there was no pillow option for asthmatic children. There were normal sized pillows ‘standard’ but nothing smaller

The Story Behind The Anti-Dust Mite Pillow
A few years back, around 2001, I noticed there was no pillow option for asthmatic children. There were normal sized pillows ‘standard’ but nothing smaller

What’s the Difference Between Dust Mite Covers
What’s the difference between dust mite covers or allergy prevention covers, Aller Protect and Mite Guard, or are they the same in providing protection from

How Dust Mites Love Humidity and Mould
They don’t bite you, they don’t spread disease, they don’t live on us, they simply co-exist. You can’t see or hear them, but they’re there,

Cushioning the Impact of Travel: Facts About Your Pillow
The benefits of travelling with your own pillow for work or leisure, are relevant to everyone’s vitality and well being. Especially to people whose work

AllerProtect Dust Mite Prevention Pillow Product Review
The AllerProtect Pillow is the most exciting stop dust mite product in a long time. It’s natural! And as I mention in the video here,