Learn more about dust mites

Top 6 Scary Dust Mite Facts
The Dust Mite A creepy little specimen that causes continual woe for asthma and allergy sufferers. Here are some fast facts to get to know

Could You Be Sleeping With More Partners than you Thought?
Dust Mites May Be Sharing Your Bed Talking about bedtime, have you thought about who is sharing your bed tonight? I hope it’s not our

How Dust Mites Will Impact Your Pillow in 5 Years
An average queen-sized mattress hosts around 2 million dust mites, feeding on your flaked skin cells, excreting 20 to 30 faecal pellets, 15 microns in

Are Dust Mite Covers Worth The Money?
In your home, the major reservoir of dust mite allergens is your mattress. See what a house dust mite looks like with our dust mites

Are You Allergic to Dust Mites?
How do you become allergic to dust mites? An allergy is an over reaction of your immune system to a normally harmless substance called an

What Your Doctor Is Not Telling You About Your Allergies
Allergies occur in every one in five Australians. It results, in part, from the release of irritant chemicals, such as histamine, into the body’s tissues.