Learn more about dust mites

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Half the Time
June 18, 2012
Reducing the level of dust mite in the bedroom can be achieved by replacing old mattresses and increasing a room’s ventilation, according to a new

What Is The Best Material For Allergy Free Bedding?
June 11, 2012
Silk There are no known allergies towards silk… it is literally 100% allergy-free! Why? The dustmite refuses to live in it. Silk is excreted from

16 Audacious and Creative Dust Mite Prevention Ideas
June 8, 2012
Here are our easy top tips for dust mite control: washing sheets and pillow cases weekly in water hotter than 55oC covering mattress, pillow and

What Is A Dust Mite?
May 16, 2012
Check out this close up and personal image of a house dust mite using a scanning electron micrograph at about 120 times magnification (Thanks to