'How to' help for your Healthy Home

10 Ways to Maintain an Eco Friendly Home
No, we don’t mean painting your home green. We all want a pristine, fresh home, but can we be eco-conscious about it? Check out these

How To Use A Silk Doona The Right Way
To keep you and your family warm you can spend the money and invest in a gas or electric heater, or you can save your

10 Simple Steps To Reduce Chemical Load
Do you smell ‘fragrant smells’ wafting out of nooks and crannies in your home? Do you sense ‘perfumed scents’ emanating from your furnishings and belongings?

How To Clean A Dehumidifier
Your dehumidifier does a great job of drying the air in your home or office, but periodically they need a good drying and cleaning themselves.

How to Clean A Bedroom the Right Way
When’s the last time you cleaned your bedroom? We mean really cleaned it. Could it be that your room is in need of a good

10 Essential Items You Need For Proper Indoor Air Care
Are you planning on moving into a new home or building this year? If so, you are going to need some supplies to get you

How To Clean An Air Purifier
Your air purifier does a great job of cleaning the air in your home or office, where you sleep and work, but periodically they need

How to Vacuum Your Home Professionally
If you don’t have a good vacuum cleaner, or having air quality issues, you need to learn how to vacuum your home professionally with this

How To Clean Indoor Air
Cleaning your indoor air includes opening windows, dusting, vacuuming, washing. If you do these tasks every week, you will keep your indoor air clean. It

How Long Do I Run My Air Purifier?
“How long do I run my air purifier for?” or “Do I leave the air purifier on overnight?” These are questions I get asked by

Should You Use Chemicals Indoors?
If you live, work or play in buildings, chances are you have heard someone talk about chemicals. But should you use chemicals indoors? To answer

How To Get Rid Of Mites In Your Bed
First, we must start off by asking … What Are Mites? There are two types of bed mites: Dust Mites Courtesy Mite Guard New Zealand