'How to' help for your Healthy Home

5 Tips for Designing a Green Baby Nursery
You have baby proofed the house and renovated the baby room to keep your little one safe from harm, but have you taken adequate care

Mitey Tick Off for Pets Electronic Tick Repeller
The Mitey Tick Off for Pets Electronic Tick Repeller Author Carol Parr We’re glad you’re here. We’re Carol and Tony, founders of one of the

13 Tips on Improving Office Air Quality
We spend a considerable part of our lives working in closed air-conditioned spaces, without giving much thought to the office air quality. Since office windows are

Dust Mite Protection Tips
When you look at your fresh and clean bed covered with soft sheets, you would never suspect that there is a whole other world that

6 Ways to Reduce Risks When Travelling With Allergies
Does your fear of allergies keep you from travelling on business or planning a road trip with the family? Don’t let outdoor allergens prevent you

Simple And Effective Hay Fever Remedies
Symptoms of hay fever can often be mistaken for a common cold. To help you understand more about this allergy, here is a breakdown of

Protecting Your Child From Allergies At School
A major concern for many parents is protecting their child from allergies at school. As a parent while you can’t actually control the environment at school,

6 Tips for Reducing Toxins in Bedroom
If you want to reduce the presence of toxins in your home, the first place to start should be the bedroom. You will be surprised

Pets for Children with Allergies
Taking care of a pet can be a delightful and educative experience for a child. But should you have a pet at home if your child

Eco-Friendly Cleaning at Home
Eco-friendly Tips for Cleaning Your House from Top to Bottom Eco-friendly house cleaning is becoming more and more popular. Why wouldn’t it be? You can

7 Ways to Allergy Proof the Bedroom
Dust mites are found in almost every room in the house; but one room which is a ‘dust-mite haven’ is the bedroom. Your mattresses, pillows,

10 Ways to Minimise Allergy Symptoms in Winter
Winter offers little respite to people vulnerable to skin allergies, asthma, hay fever, and other forms of skin allergies. While the levels of common allergens