'How to' help for your Healthy Home

How To Reduce Pet Dander And Allergies At Home
More than 60% of Australian households own a dog or cat and their hair, dander and odours are the torment of pet owners everywhere. Pet

NASA Studies Show Common Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality
Plants inside your home or office not only are decorative, they can absorb several toxic gasses and clean the air. Dr Bill Wolverton, formerly a

Environmentally Safe Cleaning Products
If you have difficulty in breathing, itchy watery eyes, nose and skin, or can’t stop coughing when cleaning with chemicals or normal dusting, you may

Simply Eco Efficient At Home
The new status symbol of the urban gardener is the eco-efficient broom or rake. Hosing leaves off the driveway and footpath are out and so

Tips for Reducing your Pollen Symptoms
Spring is just around the corner… and that means continual sneezing, unable to stop coughing, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, tightness of the chest, headaches, dizziness,

Have a Healthy Home You Can Be Proud Of
Most of us focus on good home cleanliness, yet tend to overlook more potential health hazards in and around the home. The average home contains

9 Money Saving Tips For Reducing Dust Mites in the Home
House dust mites have long been considered a trigger factor for asthma sufferers. Yet for many years, it has not been acknowledged that people with

How to Clean your Carpet in 10 Seconds
Recent research conducted by Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Australia, found dust mite removal and that of their allergens from carpets during normal vacuum cleaning

Top 6 Scary Dust Mite Facts
The Dust Mite A creepy little specimen that causes continual woe for asthma and allergy sufferers. Here are some fast facts to get to know

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Half the Time
Reducing the level of dust mite in the bedroom can be achieved by replacing old mattresses and increasing a room’s ventilation, according to a new

16 Audacious and Creative Dust Mite Prevention Ideas
Here are our easy top tips for dust mite control: washing sheets and pillow cases weekly in water hotter than 55oC covering mattress, pillow and