Tips straight from our Building Biologist
Why Does My New Mattress Smell Funny?
You too may lose some sleep when you find out what’s in your mattress! Most of us are aware of dust mites, lurking deep in
Wireless Technology – A Danger We Can’t Live Without . . .
The wireless revolution has effectively changed the way we communicate with one another, enabled us to access information around the globe at the touch of
How to Clean the Air
From costly air filters to cheap face masks, unless big cities tackle air pollution seriously the only sure protection is to move. So what’s the
Getting Rid Of Dust Mites
As the leaves change colour and fall, the dust mite population in your home could well be rising. Research from Sydney’s Woolcock Institute of Medical
How Do I Get Rid of Mould and Mildew?
What is Mould and Mildew? Mildew is a type of fungi or mould that can invade your home by growing on your walls, ceiling
What are Volatile Organic Compounds?
Whether you are in your home, in the car, working in the office, in the shopping centre or learning in a class room, they are